

Seasonal greetings from ECA chair, Oveta McInnis

It has been an eventful year for us all. Nevertheless, ECA continued with our projects where we could. We were able to reintroduce our weekly luncheon club at Green Towers. We introduced Alexa to show to our elders how using digital technologies can keep them in touch with loved ones especially during isolation.


Dear Members, Friends and supporters

I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support over the past year and to wish you the very best for Christmas and the New Year.

It has been an eventful year for us all. Nevertheless, we continued with our projects where we could. We were able to reintroduce our weekly luncheon club at Green Towers, it has been a tremendous success with more elders joining each week. It has offered a great social space where our senior citizens can get together, enjoy good conversation, a lovely meal and exercise. We also held our weekly exercise in the park and walking group throughout the summer months.

We introduced the Alexa tpo show to our elders and some of them are now using these digital devises to keep in touch with loved ones and to keep them company during isolation. We have also supported the NHS drive for the improvement of services to improve black health and been involved in encouraging the take up of the vaccine.

We held a very successful Black History month event in October at the Millfield Theatre. Those of you who were able to attend will vouch for the enjoyment we all experienced whilst learning. about the contribution of black women in history, some we were introduced to for the first time.

We were however unable to hold our Careers days in schools due to the pandemic. We sincerely hope that we will be able to reintroduce these activities in the new year.

We are very excited about the book that we will be publishing next year. Windrush Voices will mark the experiences of 20 men and women, who made the decision to come to Britain in the 50s and 60s in answer to the call for workers. We hope to launch the book in the spring. Further details will follow in the new year.

On behalf of the trustees I again would like to thank all our volunteers for their continued support of our activities throughout 2021 and look forward to continuing our work in the coming year.

I would like to wish you all a very peaceful and healthy new year.
Stay safe, stay well.

Best wishes
Oveta McInnis
Chair Enfield Caribbean Association

Posted: December 27, 2021