

Dementia UK launches guide on ways to deal with the economic crisis

Dementia UK has produced a guide on ways to deal with the economic crisis - Dementia and the cost-of-Living Crisis, a guide for people with Dementia and their carers

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The cost-of-living crisis is having a huge effect on people with dementia and their carers. Apart from physical, and economic impacts, anecdotal evidence suggests it also has dire psychological consequences in some cases.

Dementia UK has produced a guide on ways to deal with the economic crisis - Dementia and the cost-of-Living Crisis, a guide for people with Dementia and their carers

The rises in energy bills in April and October mean that many families affected by dementia are increasingly worried about finances and how they will manage to pay their bills this winter. The general increase in the cost of living has compounded these worries.

We understand that this is a challenging time for families affected by dementia, who are already in a financially vulnerable position. Worries around household finances can be exacerbated if the person with dementia has to leave their job – or if a family member has to reduce their hours or stop work because of their caring responsibilities.

Families may also face processing delays and inconsistencies in decision-making when applying for financial support for day-to-day living, such as Attendance Allowance, Personal Independent Payments and Carer’s Allowance.  

Many families are struggling to meet the additional costs of caring for a person with dementia. Specific needs – such as being housebound, altered sleep patterns, incontinence and vulnerability to feeling the cold – mean families often have to increase energy consumption in order to maintain the health, safety and wellbeing of their loved ones.

The main point discussed in the guide include:

• Simplify your finances
• Talk to utility services customer vulnerability teams
• Government grants and benefits schemes
• Accessing local and national support.

Click the link here to read the guidance in full.

Posted: February 03, 2023