

Museum of Enfield request items for new Summer exhibition

The Museum of Enfield has started its community partnership with REACT as part of the Dynamic Collections project.

Musuem of Enfield2

The Museum of Enfield has started its community partnership with REACT as part of the Dynamic Collections project.

Residents of Edmonton Angel Community Together (REACT) represents more than 3000 homes. The organisation works with communities with different religions and cultures. It’s aim is to give a voice to residents by continuing to work with Enfield Council for better living standards for all residents, bridge differences thereby creating good neighbourly relationships in Upper Edmonton.

The museum’s collection does not have much material relating to the borough’s long-standing working communities, despite their predominance in the borough’s identity. The museum wants to be able to share an existing collection that is representative, preserves, and celebrates these histories. To do so, the musem is working with REACT to find appropriate ways to engage local people of Edmonton and encourage object donations to the museum. The project will hold its first dedicated drop-in event on the 30th of April, from 5PM to 8PM at Fore Street library.

The Museum is encouraging individuals that have items at home they would like to see in the museum collection to bring them over to the event and share their stories with us. They will be presenting the project and explaining the donations process all in a convivial space with food and drinks provided. The objects could be featured in the new museum exhibition this summer at Dugdale Arts Centre.

The museum also has a regularly touring outdoor exhibition. There are many museum events on at Dugdale Arts Centre and around the borough from talks to escape rooms. The museum also partner's in several current cultural heritage projects around the borough including Object Stories and Untold Edmonton.

Meet the Museum of Enfield Team on 30 April, 5-8pm at Fore Street Library, 109 - 111 Fore St, London N18 2XF.

Posted: April 20, 2024