

March against the incinerator - 25 September at 1pm, Edmonton Green

The time is right to take our fight to the streets and show the NLWA that Black Lives Matter. We will be meet at Edmonton Green Train Station on 25th September at 1pm and hear from some amazing speakers. We will then march to the incinerator and listen to some more speeches. It will be great to see community members fighting for this important cause so please come along.


As you may know, Black Lives Matter Enfield have joined the campaign against the Edmonton incinerator and have been working hard to raise awareness on this air polluter. 

It is important for Black communities to be aware of the fine particulate matter that comes from an incinerator and can travel many kilometres. This is in the air we are breathing in Enfield and this carries great risk to our health.

The ONS have done research that links air pollution to Covid 19. In Edmonton the rate of Covid 19 contraction and death is 40% over the national average. There is little wonder that black people in Edmonton have died in disproportionate numbers.

We cannot allow the North London Waste Authority to continue ignore the voices of our communities. The people of Edmonton do not want the incinerator much less the expansion of it to make it 30% bigger.

Several organisations including Trade Unions and the South East Region TUC have backed our campaign to pause and review the Edmonton incinerator. The time is right to take our fight to the streets and show the NLWA that Black Lives Matter.

We will be meet at Edmonton Green Train Station on 25th September at 1pm and hear from some amazing speakers. We will then march to the incinerator and listen to some more speeches. It will be great to see community members fighting for this important cause so please come along.



Delia Mattis, Black Lives Matter, Enfield


In sisterhood and solidarity.

Delia Mattis
Black Lives Matter Enfield

Enfield BLM is fundraising for its campaign against the incinerator and has also launched a new petition: Click here to visit our gofundme page