

Free immersive musical show at ECA Luncheon Club – Friday 10 September

Exchanging Dreams takes place on Friday 10 September after ECA’s Luncheon Club meal at Green Towers Community Centre, Edmonton Green, London N9 0TE. Seats will be reserved only for ECA members attending the Luncheon club on the day. For all other attendees numbers are limited. It will be first come first seated, so the advice is arrive early to avoid disappointment.

Exchanging Dreams

Exchanging Dreams was developed by Jazanne Arts. It is an interactive immersive musical show exploring the relationship between two friends from their childhood to older age, via song, dance and reminiscence.

The play follows two friends, one UK born and the other originally from the Caribbean, as they reminisce about their lives, going back to when they were children, in the 40's and 50's then moving on through their lives to their courting days, bringing up their own children, work and their love of Hollywood movies. Every section is full of songs from that era and participation from the audience is encouraged, both the reminisence, singing and dancing!

The play was created with the input of over 45 older people who shared their stories and favourite songs through a series of arts and reminiscence sessions.

There are 4 people involved in the show, two performers and two live musicians. The show lasts approximately 60 mins.

This event is free and will take place on Friday 10th September 2021 at 2pm. Seats will be reserved only for ECA members attending the Luncheon club on the day. 

For all other attendees numbers are limited. It will be first come first seated, so the advice is arrive early to avoid disappointment. 

If you have an enquiry, please get in touch with your ECA contact or call 07908600420.

Jazanne Arts is funded by the Arts Council.


Posted: August 25, 2021