

Cancer Awareness in Enfield

Enfield Caribbean Association spoke to Dr Miles Bogle, a local GP and member of Enfield Primary Care Network, who is co-ordinating activities in the borough to raise Cancer Awareness.


Enfield Caribbean Association spoke to Dr Miles Bogle, a local GP and member of Enfield Primary Care Network, who is co-ordinating activities in the borough to raise Cancer Awareness.

Research suggests that just 20% of local residents could only name one sympton of cancer. Furthermore, there is lower uptake on cancer screening from Black and ethnic minority communities who also disproportionately present themselves with cancer at the later stages, which is harder to treat.

Cancer Awareness

Enfield Public Health, Enfield CCG and their partners, want to improve public awareness of cancers and early detection of symptoms to improve early diagnosis. Uptake of screening programmes can help spot cancer even before symptoms appear. Early detection and recognition of symptoms can lead to survival of cancer.

Reducing your risk of cancer

According to Cancer Research UK, 4 in 10 cancer cases can be prevented, largely through lifestyle changes. Making some simple changes to your lifestyle can significantly reduce your risk of developing cancer.

There are key signs to look out for:

  • Blood – Unexplained blood that doesn’t come from an obvious injury
  • Lump – An unexplained lump
  • Weight Loss – Unexplained weight loss, which feels significant to you
  • Cough – A cough that doesn’t go away after 3 weeks

Spot signs of cancer early. If in doubt – check it out!

Finding cancer early makes it more treatable. Chances are it’s nothing serious, but if you notice any of these signs, tell your doctor.

Cancer Screening

Cancer is the second biggest cause of deaths in Enfield. Identifying cancer early is very important as it increases the chances of survival.
There are three types of cancer screening for adults in England, and they save thousands of lives each year.

Bowel Cancer Screening

Bowel cancer screening is offered to men and women aged 60 to 74 to detect early signs of bowel cancer.

Breast Cancer Screening

Breast cancer screening is offered to women and transgender people with breast tissue aged 50 to 70 to detect early signs of breast cancer. Women aged 70 and over can self-refer.

Cervical Cancer Screening

Cervical screening is offered to women and transgender people with a cervix aged 25 to 64 to check the health of cells in the cervix. It is offered every three years between the ages of 26 and 49, and every five years between the ages of 50 and 64. Where can I receive cervical cancer screening in Enfield?

Further information

You can find more information about Cancer from the website below:

Posted: September 09, 2021