

Enfield Caribbean Association would like to hear your views and opinions on anything. Particularly on issues about race, social justice, policing, mental health and empowering the black community in the UK. These views do not represent the views or policies of ECA. However, please email us your written opinions. Send your blogs or essays to

Be careful what you click - be careful with online fraud

Be careful what you click - be careful with online fraud

Be careful what you click, a recent dangerous text message scam is completely draining victims' bank accounts. In this increasing digital landscape, hackers are constantly finding new ways to exploit unsuspecting individuals, so you could be in greater danger than you think.

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Commemorating the 14 young people who died in the New Cross Fire

Commemorating the 14 young people who died in the New Cross Fire

On Saturday 2nd March I attended the unveiling of the refurbished tribute to mark the 43rd anniversary of the Black People’s Day of Action which took place on 2nd March 1981, in which thousands of black people marched in protest at the lack of justice for the 14.

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A Day in the life of Avril Nanton, Tour Guide

A Day in the life of Avril Nanton, Tour Guide

Enfield resident and Enfield Caribbean Association member, Avril Nanton, is a tour guide who lives in Brimsdown. She spends her days in various parts of London, guiding a variety of clients, both local, national and international.

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All I want is a job with a decent number of hours – why is that so hard to find?

All I want is a job with a decent number of hours – why is that so hard to find?

The rising price of basic products is crazy, and what makes things harder is that steady jobs are thin on the ground.

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Replenishment - supporting black children in care

Replenishment - supporting black children in care

Meet James and Sarah, who over the past year have created the ‘Replenish’ box, filled with products to look after the hair and skin of black children in foster care. We learn more about Replenish and the meaning behind it.

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OPEN LETTER by Professor Gus John on Windrush sham

OPEN LETTER by Professor Gus John on Windrush sham

I am still puzzled as to why I was sent that invitation, as I am on public record as condemning the entire Windrush construct as a sham and as a gross distortion of the relationship between the African diaspora, from the Caribbean and the African continent, and Britain. 

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Group Economics for children

Group Economics for children

The subject of group economics can be quite daunting for most people to grasp let alone it’s practical application, so why would I create a book teaching group economics for children?

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Exchanging Dreams

Exchanging Dreams

On 10th September the Enfield Caribbean Association was privileged to be treated to a brilliant musical, Exchanging Dreams, by Jazanne Arts.

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March against the incinerator - 25 September at 1pm, Edmonton Green

March against the incinerator - 25 September at 1pm, Edmonton Green

The time is right to take our fight to the streets and show the NLWA that Black Lives Matter. We will be meet at Edmonton Green Train Station on 25th September at 1pm and hear from some amazing speakers. We will then march to the incinerator and listen to some more speeches. It will be great to see community members fighting for this important cause so please come along.

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And Off They Go!

And Off They Go!

Enfield Caribbean Association has launched its very first, ‘everybody welcome’, Walking Group.

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New campaign launched STEIN - Stop the Edmonton Incinerator Now

New campaign launched STEIN - Stop the Edmonton Incinerator Now

Black Lives Matter Enfield and Extinction Rebellion have launched a campaign STEIN - Stop the Edmonton Incinerator Now.

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How to promote physical activity in children

How to promote physical activity in children

Adrian Tuitte discusses the importance of children being physcially active.

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Why a new incinerator will worsen race inequality

Why a new incinerator will worsen race inequality

Delia Mattis from Black Lives Matter Enfield on her concerns over the new incinerator being built in Edmonton

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Fundamentals of freelancing

Fundamentals of freelancing

Working for yourself or starting your own business is an exciting opportunity. You might want to become self-employed so that you can spend more time with your family. Or so that you can focus on a hobby or project you’re passionate about.

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What price a Police apology?

What price a Police apology?

Iain Gould, solicitor and specialist in civil actions against the police. The blog of a police misconduct claims lawyer.

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